Let’s Play Futbol!

I’ve signed up Zoe for soccer camp with the Futbol Funatics this summer. Thanks to Jane for sharing this with other moms. I initially wanted Zoe to take up baby ballet. I’ve taken ballet when I was a kid, but just for a short time, and you can say I’m one frustrated ballet dancer, which explains why I dream of having Zoe love ballet, hehe. Pilitin ba? But when I brought up the subject about ballet, she told me she wanted soccer instead. Luckily, the camp has a venue near our place and the schedule is quite convenient for me.

I can’t wait to see Zoe kicking ball with the other kids. I’m a bit wary too that she might be overwhelmed by being in a group, especially when she’s not really used to being around kids her age and she’s quite suplada. I just hope she’ll get over the initial anxiety and stick it out for the whole 12 sessions. I know the camp for her age will be mostly play and exercise, but I’m excited just the same. Great exposure also for Zoe, who usually spends her afternoons inside the house.

March 6, 2008. Tags: , , . Mommyhood.


  1. Rhea replied:

    Hi Trish!

    Just got to read your blog now. Sana I can join that blogging seminar. I miss you bru!



  2. jane replied:

    hi tricia! let me know how zoe like sthe class ha… im so excited too!

  3. jane replied:

    btw, please update mmy blogspot link. i move it na to http://mommyhoodandme.com.

    im keeping two blogs now. my charmed life and mommyhodd and me 🙂 no more blogspot.

  4. onyxx replied:

    great. then you can be a full-pledged soccer mom hahaha. i can almost picture you clapping and hollering from the bleachers while zoe romps all over the field. go get ’em zoe!
    btw i’ve tagged you for a meme. don’t worry, this is fun and quite easy to do

  5. Tricia Faustino replied:

    Thanks for dropping by Rhea! Miss na rin kita! Just keep us posted on your life there at MI : )

  6. Tricia Faustino replied:

    Hi Jane! I really hope Zoe likes the soccer camp. So far she’s excited about it. Will surely update your link. Thanks for dropping by!

  7. Tricia Faustino replied:

    Hi Onyxx! Yay, parang kinda glamorous yata ang maging soccer mom, now that you mention it. Actually, that’s part of my not-so-long-term goal…to be a soccer mom, hahaha. Will check the meme. Thanks!

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