Hey, it’s me

Is it mid-year already? Oh my, how fast time really flies. I’ve been neglecting my blog for ages now, tsk, tsk. I miss blogging/writing! How ironic that I used to have more time in my hands to blog back when I had a day job! Being a SAHM/WAHM is not as easy as you think. It seems that there is no such thing as “me” time when I’m around the kids all day. Just right now my toddler is calling my name. He knows me as “mom” and calls me a million times a day. Sometimes hearing the word “mom” can be music to my ears, but other times I kinda go “uh-oh, what now?”. Not content with calling me mom, he now tries to grab hold of my fingers as I struggle to type with one hand. And so here goes…another unfinished post. I promise to get back later though = )

June 15, 2010. General. 3 comments.