When Kids Say the Darnest Things

Zoe these days has just confirmed that she is, indeed, in her terrible twos. She has become more headstrong and more expressive of her wants that sometimes I can’t help but throw in the towel. Many times I just roll in laughter at her antics or remarks.

The other night, as we cleaned up her toys before going to sleep, I decided to test her knowledge of colors. I asked her the color of every block of Lego that goes into the jar. I made it into a game and it was a hoot. She’d try to squeeze a block of Lego inside without giving me an answer but I’d intercept it and then she’d be forced to answer, hehe. So far, so good. She got yellow, blue, and red right. By the time we were down to the last two blocks, her attention was onto her books already. And so I bugged her, and bugged her some more on what the color of the block I was holding was. I guess she knew I was getting desperate coz she replied in a singsong, teasing voice, “I not answer.” My, oh my, I was shocked. I didn’t expect her to pull that on me! Now I can just imagine how our mother-daughter class will be like once I start to officially homeschool her. God help me…

April 16, 2007. Family. 3 comments.

Keeping a Straight Face

I had to reprimand Zoe last night for sliding her white crayola on our black side table. The white so much contrasted the black surface that you’d cringe upon seeing it. Normally, I would make her face the blank wall of our bedroom while seated on her stool. This time the stool was nowhere to be found so I made her stand facing the wall. Her dad was witness to everything that was happening, which made my “disciplining mom” act all the more difficult. Zoe knew I was punishing her for a naughty deed, but she also knew her daddy was amused and she can get away with it because she had an ally in her dad. So there she was, standing in front of our wall, which by the way isn’t as blank as before, what with all the doodles here and there. The only problem was Zoe wasn’t facing the wall at all. Sure, her body was standing in front of it but her head was rotated to where her dad was and she was smiling and even giggling! I think she knew she can get away with it by smiling! Her dad wasn’t looking at her anymore (because if he did, Zoe would see him smiling), while I was trying my very best to suppress my laughter and hide my grin. Zoe was still calling her dad’s attention, finding the punishment all too amusing. That’s when humor got me, and my hubby and I burst into fits of laughter. It was just too hard to keep a straight face! Being a parent can be tough! Better luck next time for me : )

April 10, 2007. Family. Leave a comment.